Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Approach

I conceived of doing the Sierra High Route a couple summers ago, but waited until Sally and I got to go to Europe last year before putting a plan into action. It has been nine months since I floated my first feelers out to friends and family about participating in the trip. The nine months have now passed and only two weeks remain. Anticipation is a good thing, like the build up to Christmas, but finally getting to go is better. I can't count how many times I packed and repacked my gear, worried over the calorie and nutritional content of my menu, played scenarios in my mind, etc. It is nice now to be on the road, physically headed in the direction. A peace of mind now has replaced the anticipation.
Speaking of anticipation, trying to anticipate, or guess, the snowfall 9 months ahead of time is impossible. When scheduling the dates of the SHR I could go early in the year and hope for a light snow year, go late and hope for a heavy snow year or choose the middle and hope for average snow fall. We all know that the average never happens, it is that artificial mean generated by mathematics, but I picked the average anyhow and set the starting date at mid-July, hoping to have the last of the winter's snows melting off in the first weeks and dry conditions in the last two weeks. Ooops. Missed the mark. 150% of normal snowfall this winter with a slow spring melt off. As I drive through the Mt. Shasta area I see tons of snow piled on the north, east and west slopes. Only the south slopes have surrendered their white coating to the summer sun. So, we will be on snow for much of the route. Easier on the knees, quicker on the descents, but wetter on the feet. The blinding glare and 10,000'+ elevation will require judicious sun block applications. Hopefully, the flowers will break through for us to enjoy.

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