Monday, April 7, 2014

Pre-Flight - Monday, April 7

It is 9 PM, Monday April 7. The PCT experience is starting out wholly different than I expected . . . In a good way. "Scout" picked us up in a mini van at the airport about 12:45, soon after our plane landed. Already in the van were Phillip and Angie, PCT aspirants from Great Britain. Scout had picked them up just minutes earlier at the Thrifty car rental where they were returning their car. We drove to Frodo and Scout's home in the suburbs of San Diego and were given a bedroom for the night. Scout is about 62 years old, thin and athletic looking, quick with a grin and full of enthusiasm. He gave us a quick orientation to the house. All the kitchen cupboards and drawers are labeled so us PCT hikers can easily find plates, spoons etc. He had snacks laid out, fuel for sale, a computer to use, a food bagging area and every amenity a hiker about to leave on a trip would need. He prepared lunch for us-luncheon meat, cheeses, breads, fresh baked cakes, carrot sticks and more. Sal and I finished lunch then sorted our gear for the hundredth time and walked to the post office to mail some extra things back home (when faced with the reality of carrying a Garmin GPS and extra batteries and some luxury clothing items the extra weight seemed daunting) and threw out some food to lighten our load.
All six of us helped prepare dinner with Frodo, (Scout's wife of 37 years) leading the endeavor. Avocado dip, smoked salmon and cream cheese on baguette for appetizers, homemade beef stroganoff, asparagus and green salad for the main meal and brownies, fresh strawberries and whipped cream for dessert. Truly a feast by any standards but doubly delightful because of it was so unexpected and was shared with such great company. Frodo retired from teaching AP Biology in June and still helps with the Science Olympiad team she was head coach of and Scout was a Boy Scout leader so we had a lively dinner conversation around common experiences.
After dinner Scout pulled out his guitar and we sang songs, after which Frodo and Scout performed two songs for us.
What a great way to send us off on our way tomorrow! They are serving us breakfast of French toast at 5:30. Our packs are to be on the front deck at 5:50 and we are to be loaded up and driving to the trailhead at 6:00. 75 minutes to the trailhead and we will have begun.
I can't say enough about the kindness and hospitality we experienced today.
Are we nervous about tomorrow and the days ahead? Yes. Our packs seems too heavy. The weather is predicted to be hotter than we hoped for. Water will be scarce. But with such support as we were shown today and the promise of new friends on the trail ahead we look forward to putting our feet on the southern most tread of the PCT at the Mexican border tomorrow.

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