Monday, August 29, 2016

Tuesday, August 16, 2016 - Punt

During the night it occurs to me that when someone is hurting we always lighten their load to make the walking easier. Also, I brought KT tape for just this purpose. I wake Ed at 3:00 am-he was already awake, I heard him rustling about, and present these ideas for him to consider. 
At 5:45 in the morning, our get up time, Ed asks if we could make today a layover day instead of tomorrow to give his knee a chance to heal. We all agree it is a great idea and go back to sleep. 

We spend the day fishing, swimming and just enjoying the area. Dave and I fish our way entirely around the lake, catch 20 or 30 fish, throwing them all back but two that were so badly hooked we could not remove the hook without fatally injuring them. 
Noah, Dave and I explore the first two miles of the route ahead and return to camp about three. 
On our circumnavigation of the lake Dave discovered a great jumping rock, so the afternoon is spent swimming. A finally fishing gathers eight fish for dinner. 
Dave and Noah teach us the game of Kube, played with two parallel lines of eight sticks each 24 feet apart, a King Kube in the middle, and three throwing sticks. Opponents take turns throwing the sticks, attempting to knock over the opponents line of sticks. 
After our game, we head for bed, postponing the decision about Ed until morning when he can test his knee and determine whether to go on or head out. 

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