Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tuesday, June 7-Rothenberg

Have you wondered, "How does he have time to write all this snooze
material if he is traveling? He must spend all his time poking at his
iPhone instead of enjoying the countryside, people and towns."
Ah, gentle readers, remember I am traveling with two women who spend
an inordinate amount of time looking in windows at useless crap,
discussing the texture, taste, presentation, preparation, content and
colors of every morsel of food set before them and who like to grab a
few extra winks in the morning. Obviously, from the tenor of my
descriptions I find these activities uninteresting. Consequently, I
have much time to explore on my own, daydream, and contemplate the
activities of the day. While Sally and Cindy discuss the floral
pattern and choice of colors on an Austrian Doily from the 16th
century, I explore a side street, climb a rampart, compose some
photographs, search out an unlocked WiFi hotspot, or take a minute to
record the activities of the previous days. Amazing how it all works

Such were the activities in Rothenberg, Germany on Tuesday. An entire
city walled in to provide protection from would be attackers,
Rothenberg offers awesome chances for exploration. It also offer
unparalleled oportunities for shopping as nearly every building in the
town is filled with Cuckoo Clocks, beer steins, knick knacks,
Christmas crap and a never ending line of useless trinkets (see
above). Just like the hammer and the anvil technique used in warfare,
we divided our forces to attack the town. Sally and Cindy did a
frontal attack on the shoppes while I circled around and explored the
alleyways, ramparts, moats, drawbridges and towers. We both met with
success in our respective campaigns. Sally and Cindy poured a rein of
euros upon the stores to subdue them and came away with a lot of booty
while I infiltrated their communications systems and took reconnisence
photos from aerial positions. Hammer and anvil met at 1:30 in the town
square where we shared stories of our conquests and together took a
guided tour of the now vanquished town. Dinner of viener snitzel,
sausage and saurkraut, a walk back to my clandenstein unprotected WiFi
spot for emails and blog updates, more walking down cobblestone
streets gazing at 700 year old houses, fountains, and churches and we
were in bed by 11 with plans of visiting Dachau concentration camp


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